Variational Sparse Coding
Implementation of the “Variational Sparse Coding” paper as part of the ICLR 2019 Reproducibility Challenge. [pdf] [oral presentation] [slides] [poster] [code] [peer reviews] [reviewers]
Implementation of the “Variational Sparse Coding” paper as part of the ICLR 2019 Reproducibility Challenge. [pdf] [oral presentation] [slides] [poster] [code] [peer reviews] [reviewers]
Sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural network (bidirectional LSTM) with Global Attention (Luong et al., 2015) and Beam Search implemented in PyTorch. ~41 BLEU in 110K-sentences English-Spanish corpus. [code]
Pokémon image classification with transfer learning from ImageNet-pretrained MobileNet convolutional neural network (Howard et al., 2017). ~82% accuracy with 27 classes and 3.8K web-scraped images. Deployed in Flask with React JS for the SPA user interface. Presented at Infosoft 2017 and Hack Faire 2017. [slides] [demo] [code]